Phase Holographic Imaging

Phase Holographic Imaging provides an innovative tool that lets you contin­u­ously image and monitor your cells directly inside your incubator. PHI leads the ground-breaking development of time-lapse cyto­metry instru­men­ta­tion and software.

With the first Holo­Monitor instru­ment introduced in 2011, the company today offers a wide range of assays for long-term quantitative analysis of living cell dynamics of both cell populations and individual single cells, that circum­vent the drawbacks of traditional methods requiring toxic stains. Headquartered in Lund, Sweden, PHI trades through a network of international distributors. Committed to pro­moting the science and practice of time-lapse cyto­metry, PHI is actively expanding its customer base and scientific col­lab­ora­tions within cancer research, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, stem cell biology, gene therapy, regenerative medicine and toxicological studies.

  • Contact Person

    Lisa Bodily, PHI Application Specialist

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